Take the Fire Safety Pledge and be a fire safety hero!

Smoke Alarm Superstar
I know that every home needs working smoke alarms. I will:
- Know the sound a smoke alarm makes. Beep, Beep, Beep!
- Get outside and stay outside when I hear the smoke alarm.
- Ask a grown-up to test the smoke alarms once a month.

Escape Planning Expert
I will make a home fire escape plan with my family which includes:
- 2 ways out of every room.
- A safe outside meeting place.
- Practicing our plan at least twice a year.

Hazard Hunter Hero
I will always:
- Remember the 3-foot “kid-free zone” around anything that could get hot.
- Stay away from anything that is hot or could be hot.
I Hereby Pledge
I will be a:
- Smoke Alarm Superstar
- Escape Planning Expert
- Hazard Hunter Hero